Saturday, 25 February 2017

52Hz I Love You @ Musical Movie 52赫兹我爱你

This was a movie I am not really interested because I normally don't watch Chinese movies much, but Chin Yee insisted so we made a deal. I would go to this and she would watch Lego Batman with me.nBefore you continue reading this, please be aware there will be spoilers.


Poster took from Wikipedia

Friday, 3 February 2017

La La Land @ Musical Movie 爱乐之城/樂來越愛你

I only found out about this movie a few weeks before it released thanks to the Internet.  I know it's a musical, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are in it.  I also saw a poster of them dancing under the stars but that's the extent of my knowledge about the movie. One of the reasons I really wanted to watch this movie is because it is a musical and I have a thing for movies where people who burst out in songs and dance. In fact,  life would be real cool if we live like that.

Chin Yee and I went to a cinema nearby to watch it. I was super hyped but alas I was kind of disappointed. I know a lot of people are singing praises and absolutely love the movie, which makes me one of the few rare people who actually dislike it. If you are reading this, please know that there might be some spoilers. If you have not watched the movie and do not want it to be spoiled, stop reading now.



Poster took from GSC movie website